blocked drains essex

How to Solve Blocked Drains in Essex


blocked drains essex are a common problem for homeowners. It is important to take care of this problem as soon as possible in order to prevent further damage and costly repairs. To help you get started, here are some tips on how to unblock drains in Essex.

Prevention is Key

The best way to deal with blocked drains in Essex is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Make sure that all food, dirt, and other debris that can cause clogs are properly disposed of, and avoid putting anything down the drain that won’t break down or dissolve. Additionally, regularly clear out any hair and other build up from the facilities, especially around the shower and basin so that blockages don’t occur.

Drain Cleaners

If your drain is already blocked and slow, use a chemical-based drain cleaner to clear out any obstructions. These cleaners work by producing a reaction that causes any build-ups to break down and dissolve. Be sure to wear gloves and a face mask when using chemical-based cleaners as they can be corrosive and dangerous if breathed in.

Pour Boiling Water Down the Drain

Boiling water can help to dislodge any build-up that may be causing your blockage. Be sure to pour the boiling water slowly, as pouring it too quickly could risk scalding yourself. Additionally, take care not to splash either yourself or any furniture.

Use a Plunger

A plunger is one of the simplest and most effective tools for clearing blocked drains in Essex. One popular method involves plugging the basin and filling it until it is 3/4 full. Place the plunger over the plug hole and plunge vigorously several times. This should create enough pressure to break up any obstructions.

Snake the Drain

If using a plunger does not work, a drain snake is another option. This is an auger-style tool that is inserted into the pipe and slowly twisted. As it moves through the pipe, it will create pressure which should help to break through any blockages. It is important to take care when using a drain snake as it can be damaging to old or worn pipes.

Call a Professional

If none of these methods work, it’s time to call a professional. A qualified and experienced plumber should be able to identify the issue and provide an effective solution. They can also advise on any necessary repairs and preventative measures.

Blocked drains in Essex can be a major headache, but they don’t have to be. If you take the necessary steps to prevent blockages from occurring in the first place and tackle them promptly if they do, you should be able to keep your drains running smoothly.

Having Blocked Drains in Essex can be an annoying and inconvenient surprise, especially when they happen in an unexpected place. Not only are they disruptive, they can also be potentially hazardous as they can lead to flooding, bad smells, and other forms of water damage. Fortunately, there are trusted services and professionals in Essex who specialize in clearing blocked drains and fixing plumbing problems so you can feel safe and secure when using their services. These professionals can quickly isolate and identify the source of the blockage and take the necessary steps to unblock them, ensuring that your home remains safe and that your drains are working properly.