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The Best Solutions to Unclog Your Blocked Drains


It’s not pleasant when your drains are blocked, and can cause a lot of damage if not addressed right away. From gurgles coming from the sink when you turn on the tap, to floods in your basement, it’s time to get that drainage problem sorted. Read on for more information about diagnosing, fixing and preventing blocked drains from happening again.

Diagnosis is Key

When it comes to blocked drains, what’s causing the blockage could be caused by anything from tree roots to everyday debris. It’s important to know the cause so you can choose the right solution, so it’s worth investing in a CCTV survey to pinpoint the problem. This will also help to prevent problems from reoccurring as you can identify any potential future issues with the survey footage.

Chemical Solutions

If you can deal with it yourself then you may want to try some chemical solutions first. These include bleach-based products like caustic soda and caustic acid, which are highly effective at breaking down substances blocking your drain. You should follow the instructions carefully and not use too much, as these products are very powerful and can damage both pipes and skin if used incorrectly.

Pressure Washers

Using pressurized water is one of the fastest ways of removing stubborn blockages, such as tree roots. The water pressure can quickly dislodge the blockage without damaging the pipes, although you may need to check the pipe further if the problem persists. If you don’t have access to a pressure washer, you could also try using a plunger or drain snake – just make sure you’re wearing protective gear to avoid any burns.

Prevention is Better than Cure

No matter what method you use for unclogging blocked drains, it’s always better to take action to keep them clear in the first place. The most common causes of blockages are hair, soap residue, food waste and grease, so keep an eye on the pipes and try to clear anything that shouldn’t be in there. Regular cleaning using enzymes or biological treatments can also help to keep the pipes running freely.

When to Call in Professional Help

If your home DIY methods aren’t working then you may need to call in a professional drainage company. They’ll usually send out a technician to assess the situation and advise you on how best to approach it. In most cases they’ll be able to carry out the job themselves but they might also recommend getting specialist equipment such as jetting or high-pressure spray guns.

Living with Blocked Drains

It’s not pleasant dealing with blocked drains, but the good news is that there are plenty of ways to diagnose and resolve the issue. Knowing what’s causing the blockage is crucial as this will determine the best course of action to take. From chemical solutions to professional help, there’s something for everyone when it comes to dealing with blocked drains.

Having said that, prevention is still better than cure, so make sure you’re taking steps to keep your drains clean and free-flowing. With the right care and attention, you can minimise the amount of time spent dealing with blocked drains and keep your home in top condition.