Dodge key fob programming

The offered services of locksmith, programmed keys, smart key remotes


Note that losing a car key will cost a few hundred dollars in labor, not to mention the cost of replacement keys that can be expensive. Attention, it sometimes happens on some models to need to completely replace the anti-theft module when the last key is lost. You are warned. For the Dodge key fob programming for an alternative key you would need the right expert.

Here is a set of services that can be supported:

  • Automotive locksmith for traditional key
  • Honda key locksmith special engraving
  • Duplication, duplicate auto keys
  • Creation of a new smart key, oem or clone
  • Smart key smart key creation
  • Remote control programming and car keys
  • Anti-Theft Programming, ECU, immobilizer

The basic principle of car theft system

The car protection system for the flight is quite complex. It has improved greatly in 25 years. It went from a simple system of recognizing a resistance on the key easily bypassed to a complete computer network difficult to pierce.

Today, the car uses an internal computer network to communicate between certain modules minimum 3 to manage the lock. Basically, all of these modules must all agree with each other with identification codes. Once done, this disarms the lock, which allows the engine module to give the signal for startup.

You think then that we could just get around starting the car? This system blocks several other systems including injection and ignition. It fixes all the vital systems of the module.

Useful tips on your lock and car keys

It would be easy to stop there and tell you what not to do. Or simply do not say anything at all and wait for you to see yourself badly caught in the garage. But we are not like that, so here are tips to avoid trouble.

  • Have your two original car keys. If you lose one, replace it.
  • Be sure your smart keys are always good batteries.
  • If you still use your remote control buttons to unlock, make sure that the door locks work well just in case.
  • Anti-theft systems are always fragile to voltage fluctuations. Have a good quality car battery. Above all, have it check every year.
  • Original remote starters are preferable and some aftermarket installations may interfere with the original system. Be warned.
  • Post-market additions are likely to add drain currents when your car is idle. So, some people often have electrical problems, failures or early battery replacements due to this.
  • Find out if you have had a problem that seems to have subsided. Do not wait until it comes back. We will probably know more thanks to the trouble codes in the module.
  • Keep your original keys separated. It is better for the risks of losses but also for the conflicts of signals. This is less true than before but some transponders still have misery.

The smart keys are contact keys that have integrated circuits to the chip. The circuit is powered by the signal transmitted by the vehicle computer so it does not need batteries. When the transponder key rotates in the ignition, the vehicle computer sends a signal to the circuit. If the circuit does not respond to the vehicle, no starting will take place. Most car manufacturers have used chip technologies around the year 1998. Today, almost all models that come out have it.